NIAGARA COMMUNITY GARDEN NETWORK TOURISM PARTNERSHIP OF NIAGARA CRYSTAL RIDGE COMMUNITY CHURCH / LIGHTHOUSE NIAGARA CENTRE FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING CYCLING TOURISM LINKS FOR GREENER LEARNING TOURISM FORT ERIE RENEWED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY FOR ERIE MULTICULTURAL CENTRE BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB NIAGARA PERSON CENTRED CARE, INC. SOCIETY ST. VINCENT de PAUL PUBLIC HEALTH Adult Literacy Council of GFEBoys and Girls Club NiagaraBridges Community Health CentreCanadian Mental Health Assoc. [CMHA Ontario]Crystal Ridge Community ChurchEDTCFort Erie Multicultural CentreFort Erie Native Friendship CentreInnovate NiagaraJob GymLearning Disabilities Assoc. of Niagara RegionLinks for Greener LearningNiagara Centre for Independent LivingNiagara Community FoundationNiagara Community Garden Network Niagara Community Legal ClinicNiagara ConnectsNiagara Peninsula HomesNiagara Prosperity InitiativeOntario Trillium FoundationPerson Centred Care, Inc.Positive Living NiagaraPublic Health NiagaraRenewed Computer TechnologySociety St. Vincent de PaulTourism Partnership of NiagaraUnited Way [NF and GFE]Venture Niagara Cycling Initiative